
School Stages 'Christian Terrorists' 



©2007 Sharon Hughes 


What in the world is going on?

Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media wrote recently about Allan J. Block, owner of Block Communications, who is paying the oil-rich Arab monarchy of Qatar for the right to air Al-Jazeera English, the pro-radical Islam news agency, on his Buckeye Cable System that covers the Toledo, Ohio area. Block told AIM that he wants to reach Toledo-area Arabs and Muslims, most of whom don't speak Arabic.
Kincaid points out that Toledo has already been the location of one alleged terrorist plot. The Toledo Blade, called it a "Toledo-based plot to kill or injure U.S. troops overseas." Associated Press reported that prosecutors claim that some of the conspirators met at a Muslim convention in Cleveland.

Then the Guardian touts that the US can learn from the example set by Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in graciously releasing the 15 British sailors held hostage - saying it is the direct result of Iran's goodwill "This outcome offers a compelling lesson on how to deal with the wider international standoff between the US and Iran. His mood was generous. His gift to the British people was with immediate effect, and he asked for no apology or other concessions."

This is the man who has called for Israel to be wiped off the map and for the downfall of America!

But if these pro-radical Islam views aren't swirled enough for you, how about this one:

A public school in NJ recently had a mock terrorist drill depicting Christian fundamentalists as terrorists. The plot included 'Christian' terrorists breaking into the high school, taking hostages, and shooting people.

The superintendent is quoted as saying that the goal was to make the drill "as realistic as possible." Excuse me? You want realistic? Then why didn't they use radical Islamists who are terrorizing and murdering people every day?
This is absolutely outrageous! Are you watching your child's classroom? You better.
The American Center for Law and Justice is gathering a petition to object to this as deliberate bigotry. You can go to www.aclj.org to read more on it.

Are you reading between the lines of what mainstream media reports? It's pretty sad when reading the paper or watching the news creates added stress to our lives. Not because of the news, but because we can't trust if what is being reported is accurate -- is the truth.


Sharon  Hughes is Founder and President of The Center for Changing Worldviews and a radio talk show host on KDIA AM1640 in San Francisco, RIGHTALK.com, and online at Oneplace.com. Her column appears in many recognized news sites and publications, most recently FRONTPAGEMAG. She also writes for  NewsBusters.org., a division of The Media Research Center. For further information visit her Websites www.changingworldviews.com, WOMANTalk.us, and Blog http://changingworldviews.blogspot.com. Or Contact: sharon@changingworldviews.com 


Radio Talk Show Changing Worldviews, KDIA AM1640 San Francisco Bay Area and Around the world Online at Oneplace.com
