
Debra Rae

Fear’s Furtive Bedfellow: Control, Part II


©2007 Debra Rae


What Foxy Woxy Doesn’t Want You to Know

Back to Chicken Little: Given a perceived crisis, the messenger stirs mass hysteria, thus fanning its flame. Remember, though, that Chicken Little is duped—granted, by an acorn—but duped nonetheless. To her credit, she is sincere in worrying that the thump on her head represents grave danger for the entire kingdom. And so it is with many among us similarly awakened to what appears to be imminent danger of unthinkable magnitude. The alarm must be sounded, and sounded it is!

How fortuitous this perception of crisis, for it handily provides the “international disaster key” necessary to warrant global control. Enter Foxy Woxy—alternatively known as Mikhail Gorbachev and ilk. By integrating the Native American philosophy of Earth servitude into a new, sustainable paradigm, the sly fox manipulates Chicken Little’s feverish frenzy to his own liking. 

That being the case, some contend that a more plausible sky-is-falling scenario involves enforced sustainable communities that restrict humans to high-density, easily controlled “urban clusters.” To merit the coveted status of “sustainable,” enlightened communities limit growth, eliminate suburbs, establish ethnic/economic equality, and curtail consumption patterns consistent with America’s middle class. Responsible global citizens agree to bike to work. Believing it’s this, or impending disaster, these give ear to Al Gore’s “inconvenient truth” by willingly renouncing frozen fast food, fossil fuels, refrigerators and air conditioners. 

To be sure, the socialist principle of government-managed development demands autocracy as the only way to enforce laws ostensibly needed to prevent humans from messing with biodiversity. The crux of the matter is control—more specifically, human control. Trouble is, remedial mandates, once implemented, inevitably burden the less fortunate while advantaging the privileged few. There is good reason why Al Gore and John Travolta can boast of using pricey “green energy”: Both can afford what most of us can’t.

In 1853, Hillsdale College President Edmund Fairfield reasoned rightly that “the more the ignorance, the better the slave.” This, Chicken Little found to be true. As was the case with Henny Penny and Goosey Poosey, the chronically uninformed accept without question that sustainable communities “meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (1987 UN Conference on Environment and Development). 

Whether or not the sky falls and Florida is engulfed in floods or rising tide, Foxy Woxy and his ilk are committed to a heavy dose of global order. Having followed the fox to his lair, our sincere, but duped little chicken will have learned, albeit too late, that “no good deed goes unpunished.”

Population Ping-Pong

President of the National Anxiety Center (New Jersey), Alan Caruba is an award-winning journalist frequently featured on Fox News Channel, CNN, CNBC, and MSNBC. To expose "deliberately false, mass media-driven scare campaigns," the Center recognizes their instigators. For example, fourth on a list for the NAC’s 10th Annual Chicken Little Awards was the ever convenient, food shortage scare. True, not all planetary citizens receive their share (due mostly to bad government); but, daily, God’s green earth generously provides to everyone at least 4.3 pounds of food. 

Brilliant advances in 21st century agricultural science give rise to yet another crisis. Worldwide obesity called "globesity," no longer starvation, now leads gloom-and-doom newscasts. The World Health Organization warns that, if immediate steps aren’t taken, millions will suffer from increasingly serious weight-related disorders—this time, on the high-, not low- end of the bathroom scale.  

Once again, ecological fatalist Paul Ehrlich has been proven wrong. In the 1970s, he prophesied an imminent Ice Age in which hundreds of millions would die of starvation (our countrymen included). But then, the US Census Bureau reported, to the contrary, that from 1990 to 1999, 24 million, mostly well warmed-and-fed Americans were added to (not depleted from) the US population.  

If not death by starvation, what then? How about relieving our beleaguered planet of “Humanpox” by enforcing “planned parenthood” and bearing fewer and fewer children? Makes sense, but then decades of government-supported motivational programs to this end have resulted in “dreadful failure” for our European neighbors, and it’s not that folks failed to cooperate. "Below replacement fertility” has emerged the new “alarming crisis.”  

So much for “smart-growth” families—now demographers encourage larger families. Furthermore, they propose government policies similar to incentives attempted by the Japanese in their effort to reverse record-low birthrates (NY Times/ABC News, 30 May 2000). But not everyone’s on board. Dennis Phillips of the Oregon Optimal Population Society insists instead upon dropping the human population from over 6 billion to about 10 million. In no subtle way, his “final solution” suggests no less than “planetary genocide.” 

Bottom line: Be it starvation, “globesity,” over-, under- or optimal population growth—it’s planetary management (i.e., global governance) driving the fear.

“If It Bleeds, It Leads” 

A recent guest of the Dave Ross Show on Seattle’s KIRO 710 News Radio, former employee John Procaccino chatted about his last three years at the station. According to Procaccino, every story idea he posed prompted the predictable question: What’s the fear element? 

KIRO is not alone in milking the crisis angle to attract higher ratings. For good reason, Jane E. Brody poses provocative questions: “How often has your clock radio awakened you with the distressing news that something you eat, drink, breathe or do has just been shown in a new study to be a serious health hazard? And how often did it turn out to be a false alarm…?” (New York Times, 18 August 1998). 

Founded in 1978 and directed by over 350 physicians, scientists and policy advisors, the American Council on Science and Health serves as a New York-based consumer advocacy organization to promote credible, peer-reviewed science. Its popular report, "Facts Versus Fears," elucidates what the council deems to be the most significant, but unfounded health scares of the last several decades. 

In 1989, for example, "60 Minutes" linked childhood cancer to a chemical used to regulate ripening of apples. Understandably, millions of parents panicked; and its manufacturer pulled Alar off the market. Subsequent tests by the National Cancer Institute and the EPA negated that claim. 

Children’s health scares are not alone. In the New England Journal of Medicine (1981), Harvard researchers published a link to pancreatic cancer with coffee consumption. To the delight of Starbuck junkies, that correlation vanished five years later when the study was repeated. Better yet, researcher Frank Hu, MD, now credits coffee for its large amounts of antioxidants and minerals; and rumor has it that that coffee consumption discourages tooth decay! 

So what’s a person to do? The simple among us yawn in the face of would-be calamity; however, many escape into a world of fantasy and addiction. Others herald planetary doom, thus attracting and drawing together the fearful, ever willing to surrender personal boundaries. All preclude living “happily ever after.” 

Better to plan ahead should an emergency ensue. Add common sense to faith-propelled, proactive preparedness all the while maintaining unruffled trust in God, creator and sustainer of life. My guess is you’ll be glad you did!



Debra Rae is an author and educator who has traveled extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Having authored two books—the ABCs of Globalism and ABCs of Cultural-Isms (the latter highlighted at the 55th Annual CBA International Convention, 2004)—Debra contributing columnist for News With Views. Debra has been a speaker on numerous radio shows aired across the nation, the Western Hemisphere, Russia, and the Middle East. This past year, she co-launched and now co-hosts WOMANTalk, a special edition of Changing Worldviews TALK Radio, for which she writes weekly commentaries. www.debraraebooks.com, www.womantalk.uswww.newswithviews.com/Rae/Debra.htm 
