
Audrey's Blog for January 2009


Interminable Scapegoats


January 29, 2009


It's human nature to shift blame for our wrongs to another...better known as a scapegoat. But a perusal of world history, distant and current, reveals there has been one ultimate scapegoat that never seems to catch a break...


Anti-Semitism, better known as anti-Jewish sentiments, have been around since the times of King Ahasuerus (a.k.a. Xerxes) (Esther 3:8). Jews have been persecuted for thousands of years. Blamed for everything from the black plague to having created a blueprint to take over the world (from the Russian fabricated Protocols of the Elders of Zion), to the now absurd attempted genocide of a fictitious people group (i.e. 'palestinians').


In the day and age of political correctness and the protection of every possible people group imaginable...you would logically assume that following the atrocities of the Holocaust, Jews would be eliminated from ridicule or blame...but it is simply not so...


Since Israel's recent defensive operation in Gaza, anti-Semitic violence has broken out throughout Europe:


France: 100 reports of anti-Semitic violence since the start of Israel’s military operation in Gaza on December 27, including: Arson attacks on synagogues and Jewish community centers, and physical assaults in Paris.


Britain: A sharp increase in anti-Semitic attacks in recent weeks, including: Arson attacks on synagogues, physical attacks on Jews in London, anti-Semitic graffiti scrawled in towns and cities across the country, British law enforcement also advised prominent British Jews to increase their security measures after some of their names appeared on a "Jewish hit list."


Denmark: Anti-Semitic attacks have risen, including: Two Israelis were shot and wounded in a shopping mall in Odense, a public school principal (In nearby Vollsmose) declared that Jewish students are not welcome at his school and advised Jewish parents to send their children elsewhere (the same principal is an active supporter of the Danish Boycott Israel campaign, which concentrates on organizing anti-Israel protest marches in Copenhagen and elsewhere).


Italy: A far-left union has already urged its members to blacklist Israeli products, and boycott Jewish-owned or Jewish-run stores.


Belgium: The number of anti-Semitic incidents has surged, including: Synagogues and Jewish schools have been attacked in Brussels and Charleroi, Jewish community leaders have received death threats, and the home of a Jewish family was the object of an arson attempt.


Greece: The daily newspaper, Avriani, ran a story on Israel’s Gaza operation explaining that a Jewish plutocracy, having made the “wealth of the century at the expense of the economies of the world,” is organizing “war machines” in various hot spots around the world with the purpose of controlling the price of oil, redistributing the world’s natural resources and starting a new round of weapons production.


Sweden: Incidents included: The Jewish center in Helsingborg being attacked by arsonists twice in one week, the Israeli embassy in Stockholm was plastered with graffiti, and Jews living in Sweden were urged to take additional precautions when out on the street.


Spain: A recent poll marks Spain as one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe with all major cities having been 'ornamented' with graffiti equating the Star of David with a swastika.


Is this how far we've come since the Fuehrer slithered on Europe's sod? It's like his 'eminence' never left. 


How long will Europe harbor this irrational hatred for a people who have longed to simply abide? Why do Euros fail to see this character flaw? A people, who had to be saved from utter destruction twice in recent history, should have developed a conscience by now, ya think? But apparently not...


How long will the world hang their failures on the Magen David*? Interminably...






*Magen David: a hexagram used as a symbol of Judaism.






Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 






Hamas And The Pinocchio Factor


January 26, 2009


We're all familiar with the childhood story of Pinocchio...a tale designed to discourage little ones from lying. Now it appears we have someone from the same country as Geppetto, who knows how to spot a growing nose...


According to Lorenzo Cremonesi, a correspondent for Italy's Corriere della Sera, the casualty figures declared by Hamas and so enthusiastically passed on by the UN, Red Cross and the world media, were gruesomely exaggerated. In other words...HAMAS LIED...


Look out...nose on the move...  


Cremonesi found most beds empty in the major Gazan hospitals. He said, "It is sufficient to visit several hospitals [in the Gaza Strip] to understand that the numbers don't add up." 


Gaza City's Shifa Hospital (who have asked anonymity for fear of Hamas retaliation) admitted that the death toll had been embellished, and that many of the dead were "youths between the ages of 17 to 23 who were recruited to the ranks of Hamas and then sent them to the slaughter." (Lovely...part of their youth program, I suppose?...)


Wait...there's more...Hamas, as well as the UN and the world media, have accused Israel of war crimes. But after Cremonesi interviewed some Gazans, Israeli accusations of Hamas war crimes was instead confirmed. Some of those interviewed claimed that some Hamas members disguised themselves as paramedics and hijacked ambulances to avoid being targeted by the IAF, and even used UN facilities as launch pads for rockets and mortar shells into Israeli civilian areas.


Hey...is that thing a nose or a pole-vault?


And to the Gazans that asked Hamas not to set up positions near them and their families, Hamas replied, "Traitors, collaborators with Israel, spies of Fatah, cowards! The soldiers of the holy war will punish you. And in any case you will all die, like us. Fighting the Zionist Jews we are all destined for paradise. Do you not wish to die with us?" 


How amazing it is, that in this day and age, it took a lone Italian journalist to uncover the paltering projectile of propaganda from these pernicious perps (now there's a mouthful for ya).


They cloak themselves in lies, proliferate their propaganda (and agitprops)...as they use and obliterate all who stand in the way of their goals. 


Hamas...they have a nose for lying...do we have the guts to stop that shnoz from running?









Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 








O And His Muslim-Colored Glasses


January 22, 2009


President Obama has a vision...a vision to deal with the problems between the Islamic world and the West. And he wants us to catch that vision...


O thinks we need to “reboot America’s image in the world and also in the Muslim world in particular.” And he thinks he's got this one in the bag...


How? Well, he sees things through Muslim-colored glasses:


“I think the world would see me as a different kind of President, somebody who could see the world through their eyes….If I convened a meeting with Muslim leaders around the world, to discuss how they can align themselves in our battle against terrorism, but also put our, the relationship between the West and the Islamic world on a more productive footing, I do so with the credibility of somebody who actually lived in a Muslim country for a number of years.”


Hmmm...now that's comforting. But the problem is, the way they want to "align" themselves with the West is to convert it. Islam means 'submission'...they are instructed to convert, and too often by the sword (just ask Steve Centanni of FoxNews). 


Facts to ponder:

O's Muslim-colored glasses won't make any of that more palatable...or more easily assimilated. It's best that he begin his presidency on a foundation of truth...but the campaign had its issues with truth, so there's little hope of that. 


Muslim-colored glasses? You might as well be blind. 





Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 





Hamas: Hell No, We Won't Go


January 19, 2009


So, Israel declared that the goals of their operation: Cast Lead, were a success and that they embarked upon a unilateral cease-fire. But is the job finished? Not according to the next likely PM...


Former, and likely to be the next PM, Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu believes the job is not finished..."Hamas still controls Gaza and it will continue to smuggle new missiles in through the Philadelphi Route...I believe that in the face of Hamas's terror and its Iranian backing, we must show no weakness and we must show a resolute, iron fist, until the enemy is vanquished.”


And Bibi is correct...Hamas is still in control of Gaza, and by the people's vote...they are claiming victory (got to look good to their Muslim brothers, ya know), and will begin rearming according to the head of Israel's Security Agency (Shin Bet). Why? Because despite the grave damage done to Hamas's weapons smuggling abilities, several of the tunnels used for smuggling have remained intact. Guards, on the Egyptian side of the border, have continually been bribed by Hamas to allow the weapons passage...and will continue to be, since Mubarak will do nothing about it.


The Hamas charter explains unequivocally what the purpose of their existence is: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it."


They have no intention of leaving Gaza. No intention of ceasing the violence towards innocent Israelis (including women & children). And no intention of ceasing the use of the most vulnerable in their community as human shields to obtain their goals.


Their 'Hell no, we won't go' attitude is the consequence of their ideology...the very principles for which their people put them in power.


Make peace with them? What for?





Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 






Hamas' I V


January 15, 2009


An IV is an apparatus used to bring either medication, blood or nutrients to a patient intravenously. That would be for benevolent purposes. But there are those using their own twisted form of IV for malevolent objectives. Iran has now found an 'IV' to help them with their proxy war on the West...


According to DEBKAfile, Iran has now recruited Somali pirates to help them smuggle weapons, in particular the longer-ranged Grads, to Hamas in Gaza.


Oh those rascally Persians...


There are two probable routes being used. The first involves Iranian ships meeting the pirates prior to entering the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, then transferring the arms to their smaller boats.  The pirates then go to Eritrea, (they have a strong relationship with that government) and the arms would then go through Sudan to southern Egypt, where they are smuggled via boat to the Sinai.


The second route is a tried-and-true method of drug smugglers the world over...the weapons leave ports in Montenegro and Croatia towards the Suez Canal, where the shipment is thrown overboard to be picked up by local pirates and transported to the Sinai. 


Tehran is busy rearming Hamas (and other Jihadists firing out of Lebanon) at lightening speed in order to persuade them to continue the war against Israel. With all the talk now of Hamas willing to agree to an unconditional cease-fire (Egypt's cease-fire terms), the Mullahs are panicking. 


But again, remember: Their cease-fire is a 'hudna', a pause to rearm...so it is essentially a moot promise on their part. 


So if Hamas indeed does announce it agrees to an unconditional 'cease-fire'...watch the rush of activity to the Sinai...when the Somali pirates have had their fill of this deal, Iran will seek out a new 'IV'...maybe someone from the left who views Hamas as 'freedom fighters'?


And yes, be sure of this...with their current 'IV'...Hamas will violate the 'cease-fire'...as soon as they are adequately rearmed...


...and the venal circus begins again...complete with UN clown observers and a complicit world media...







Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 





The Maven Of Agitprops


January 13, 2009


While Israel's defensive operation continues in Gaza, liberal Jews are busy...being enablers of Israel's enemies. Strong words? Perhaps, but truthful just the same...and they have a very well-known financier leading them along...


George Schwartz born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary was born to an Orthodox Jew...who changed the family surname from Schwartz to Soros in order to allow his family to conceal their Jewish identity and consequently survive the Nazi Holocaust.


Georgie boy holds a degree in Economics from the London School of Economics, worked as a stockbroker in London, and has now become one of the world's leading hedge fund investors and currency traders, which therefore makes him an expert in...peacemaking? 


Well, the billionaire has created a Washington-based group called: J Street...their motto? The New Address for Middle East Peace and Security.


(Well, well, well...so he's got himself a new crew...ALL ABOARD!! Da peace train is a comin'...it's a nonstop ta Nirvana...Soros is da engineeya...git ya tickets heeya...)


J Street declares on its site that, “While there is nothing ‘right’ in raining rockets on Israeli families or dispatching suicide bombers, there is [also] nothing ‘right’ in [Israel] punishing a million and a half already-suffering Gazans for the actions of the extremists among them.”


Nice...equating Hamas' actions with Israel's defensive measures. Hamas targets innocent civilians, while Israel targets Hamas terrorists and their logistical abilities to murder innocent Jews.


The Gazans have freely voted Hamas into the majority...and let's look at what Hamas believes...


Hamas' charter states: "Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it." (The Nazi sympathizer, Imam Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.)


So, Hamas' existence is to "obliterate" Israel. While the Israeli military takes painstaking actions in order not to cause collateral damage.


Equating the two is egregious.


Soros has done enough malicious deeds with his money, namely Moveon.org and the Soros Documentary Fund, who all share his worldview, "America is a troubling if not sinister influence in the world, that the War on Terror is a fraud and terrorists are misunderstood freedom fighters, and that markets are fundamentally unjust." Oh and, by the way...he made his billions off the free market. Convenient amnesia, I'd say...


He now appears to be the Maven of propaganda...or worse...agitprops. The enemy within...and (in Hebrew) a shandeh un a charpeh...(in English) a shame and a disgrace. He makes Jews look bad...he makes Americans look bad. What a prize (booby, of course).


Mavens are good. Agitprops are not. Do the math.





Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 







Nazi/Muslim: The Hate Connection


January 8, 2009


"Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews. The answer I got was: 'The Jews are yours'."


-Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, 1930's, 

Haj Mohammad Amin al-Husayni (Husseini)


With a renewed wave of anti-Semitism globally, and the clear anti-Israel bias in the media coverage of the current Gaza conflict, few are aware that this bias emanates form a venal connection of long ago. A connection between Islam and the former Third Reich. So, with a clear intent to enlighten, the following is a partial collection of facts that will give some insight into what is behind the current situation in Gaza, and what is also behind the abhorrent attitude of many world powers toward Israel and the Jewish people.


Prior to 1920, Jews and Arabs lived a peaceful coexistence in the Holy Land. That is, until the rise of, Haj Amin Muhammad Al Husseini (also spelled Husayni). Al Husseini was known to be a brutal man with ambitions of ruling a pan-Arabic empire in the Middle East...and he greatly utilized anti-Jewish propaganda to polarize the two communities.


Some still consider him a good Imam. Was he? Think again...in 1929, Al Husseini incited anti-Jewish riots by declaring the Jews were plotting to destroy the Al Asqa mosque (sound familiar?). The insurrections resulted in the slaughter of hundreds of Jewish civilians and an essential end to the Jewish presence in Hebron. 


Can anyone say, Intifada?


Just a bit more about the Arab-reverenced al Husseini...in 1941, he arrived in Rome, where he met fascist leader Benito Mussolini (the genocidal butcher of Ethiopians). Mussolini swore to help the Palestinian cause against the Jews. Then from Rome, Husseini declared a Fatwa-Jihad against Britain. 


The similitude between Al Husseini's brand of radical Islam and Hitler's Nazism was documented by Dr. Serge Trifkovic in his book, The Sword of the Prophet. He notes both had a belief in the elimination of the nation-state in support of a higher community. For instance, in Islam the 'umma' or community of all believers, and in Nazism the herrenvolk or master race. Trifkovic also notes both believed in undemocratic domination by a divine leader...in Islam a caliph, and in Nazism a führer.


On November 2, 1943 Himmler sent a telegram to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: 


"To the Grand Mufti: The National Socialist movement of Greater Germany has, since its inception, inscribed upon its flag the fight against the world Jewry. It has therefore followed with particular sympathy the struggle of freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against Jewish interlopers. In the recognition of this enemy and of the common struggle against it lies the firm foundation of the natural alliance that exists between the National Socialist Greater Germany and the freedom-loving Muslims of the whole world. In this spirit I am sending you on the anniversary of the infamous Balfour declaration my hearty greetings and wishes for the successful pursuit of your struggle until the final victory. Reichsfuehrer S.S. Heinrich Himmler


In march of 1944, Al Husseini broadcast a call for a jihad to "kill the Jews wherever you find them. This pleases God (Allah), history, and religion." A precursor to the calls in the Islamic world today for a jihad of the same (i.e. Ahmadinejad and in Mosques across the Muslim world on a weekly basis).


Now, a little known fact is the recruitment of Bosnian Muslims into the SS. Al Husseini himself recruited Bosnian Muslims for the German Waffen SS, including the Skanderberg Division from Albania and Hanjer Division from Bosnia. The Hanjer (Saber) Division (of the Waffen SS) was accountable for the murder of more than 90% of the Yugoslavian Jewish population. 


The head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, was so delighted with Al Husseini's Muslim Nazis that he established the Dresden-based Mullah Military School for continual training and recruitment. And in 1944, Hanjer commandos parachuted into Tel Aviv and poisoned the drinking wells of Jewish communities to roil ethnic tensions.


Al-Husseini spent much time in Berlin with Adolf Hitler during WWII, and was critically active and instrumental in the development of the 'Final Solution'.


Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." What we see happening to the Jews, including the intifada, is nothing new...Muslims have been attempting their elimination from the land for many years. And they will continue their campaign...


May the above facts put to rest any confusion about the anti-Semitism present and evident in Europe...and globally today. The root of hatred was planted long ago. May this also whet the appetite of those willing to search further for truth...and if anything is necessary, in the current situation, it is truth.


The Nazis learned much from the Muslims: They learned how to hate more precisely...and with religious fervor.




Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com 





Foreign Policy Or Droning Drivel?


January 5, 2009


No matter your age, everyone has heard the incoherent clamor of the teacher of comic strip character Charlie Brown. To a child, sometimes the words of an authority figure sound like droning drivel: "Wah Wah-Wah Wah-Wah-Wah."


Keeping that 'melodic' sound in your mind...that is exactly what Sec. Rice sounds like when she utters words like, "a cease-fire that is durable and sustainable."


Total babel...


Who, exactly, is she talking to? Israel? The only one of the parties, in the current conflict, that actually honors a cease-fire? If not to Israel, then to who, Hamas?


Well, those are wasted words.


Why? Because it's ludicrous to expect something (truce) from a group that, first: Has a different definition of what a truce is. And second: Is permitted, by its ideology, to lie in agreements with 'infidels' for the sake of Islam.


I'm not exactly sure what our leaders are privy to, but the rhetoric coming out of the State Dept. is sounding eerily like Charlie Brown's Teacher...


Rice: "It's obvious that a cease-fire should take place as soon as possible..."

What I hear: "Wah wah-wah wah-wah-wah."

Rice: "...but we want a cease-fire that is durable and sustainable."

What I hear: "Wah wah-wah wah-wah-wah."


Now..."durable and sustainable?"


OK, how do you deal with a rabid animal? Reason with it? Hug it into submission? No (cover your ears, PETA)...you shoot it dead, because you cannot deal with it diplomatically. And if you fail to eliminate it, all who encounter it will be in peril. That is exactly how we must view bloodthirsty, terrorist thugs. You cannot negotiate with them or assuage their anger...because that anger is not based in fact. It is irrational and religiously fervent and they intend to take you down with them...for a fictitious reward.


News flash for our leaders: We can actually hear and see what is going on...and if you want to be taken seriously, be rational with your rhetoric. Domestic dogs are reasonable...mad dogs are not. Hamas is in the latter category. So cut the cartoon comments and tell it like it is.


We want real Shalom...and it won't come through semantics or stupidity.




Comments:  audreyblog@ediblog.com